Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Our and cute......They really touched my heart! I love them very.....very much......

Selamat pagi, kawan-kawan.
Menjadi guru merupakan satu kebabanggaan dan kebahagiaan kami, alasannya ialah kami sentiasa dapat bersama-sama dengan anak-anak murid yang begitu comel,aktif, kreatif......mereka selalu menggembira dan melegakan hati kami. Inilah kekayaan kami yang tidak ternilai!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Good morning, everyone.
Let me share something wonderful with you......

As a good teacher, we have always take care to our pupils like this......full with love.......

Monday, 28 January 2013

This is our school - SJK(C) Kampar Girls, 31907 Kampar, Perak.
We love our school very much.

Relationship and friendship between the pupils and teachers ......very close...... We all feel so lucky and warm......

My blog was sucessful created. I am so happy about that.
Please visit to my blog anytime. Welcome!

This is my home town - Parit Buntar.